Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Comeback Species

1. American Bison- Before colonists there were over 30 million roaming north America. Eventually they were hunted to the point where only 750 were left. Thanks to breeding programs and reserves their population is up to 80,000.

2. Kiwi Bird- The New Zealand mascot has been under legal protection since the 1800s. The program has raised the chick survival rates from 5 to 85%!

3. American Alligator- more than half of all alligator/crocodile species are endangered, mainly due to hunting for their skins. However thanks to protection plans they have recently made a comeback.

4. Black Robin- In 1980 there were only 5-7 black robins known in the world, and only one pair was mating. Today there are 250, still not a lot but on their way to recovery.

5. California Condor- In 1981 there were only 21 living in California, and by 1987 the last wild one was caught and placed in a breeding program, their current population is estimated to be around 200.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Animal Profile: African Elephant

African elephants can weigh over six tons making it the worlds largest land mammal. It uses its large trunk for smelling, breathing, detecting vibrations, grasping objects and more. The male and females have tusks, this is the main reason why they are poached, to obtain the ivory inside of them. Their large ears are highly functional to, they can hear other elephants call from almost six miles away. Trying to breed the elephants is difficult too because pregnancies last around two years.
African elephants are also a keystone species, there dung spreads the seeds of over 90 different plant species.
"African Elephant." Animal Fact Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. <>.

Reasons Why Animal Are Going Extinct

1. Habitat loss

2. Pollution

3. Non-native and invasive species
4. Farming (leads to pollution, large land use, etc.)
5. Poaching

Steiman, Julia. "What's The Problem: Endangered Animals for Kids." Sheppard Software. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013.


Map of Endangered Animals

Animal Profile: Giant Pandas

The giant panda lives in Western Szechwan, a province of southwest China and weighs from 165 to 330 lb. They have small eyes and thus poor eye site, but they make up for it in strength. To be able to eat and hold bamboo they have large bone structures and big teeth. Pandas generally live alone, coming together only to mate. Unfortunately only 1000 to 2000 remain in the wild. The main reason for this is the destruction of their habitat and poaching. Afterall the panda's main food source is bambo and due to deforestation it is becoming harder and harder to find. The World Wildlife Fund and the Chinese Ministry of Forestry are teaming together to try and save them though and have made a conservation management plan and made the species legally protected to prevent the poaching of it.

Map of Where Pandas Live

Glenn, C. R. 2006. "Earth's Endangered Creatures - Giant Panda Facts" (Online). Accessed 5/16/2013 at

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How You Can Help

1.    Learn about endangered species in your area.

2.    Secure garbage in shelters or cans with locking lids, feed pets indoors and lock pet doors at night to avoid attracting wild animals into your home.

3.    Reduce your use of water in your home and garden so that animals that live in or near water can have a better chance of survival.

4.    Disinfect bird baths to avoid disease transmission.

5.    Place decals on windows to deter bird collisions.

6.    Provide habitat for wildlife by planting native vegetation in your yard.

7.    Minimize use of herbicides and pesticides.

8.    Protect wildlife habitat.

9.    Write a letter to your Senator.

10.  Spread the word!
"How to Help an Endangered Species." EHow. Demand Media, 29 June 2007. Web. 15 May 2013. <>.