Thursday, May 16, 2013

Animal Profile: Giant Pandas

The giant panda lives in Western Szechwan, a province of southwest China and weighs from 165 to 330 lb. They have small eyes and thus poor eye site, but they make up for it in strength. To be able to eat and hold bamboo they have large bone structures and big teeth. Pandas generally live alone, coming together only to mate. Unfortunately only 1000 to 2000 remain in the wild. The main reason for this is the destruction of their habitat and poaching. Afterall the panda's main food source is bambo and due to deforestation it is becoming harder and harder to find. The World Wildlife Fund and the Chinese Ministry of Forestry are teaming together to try and save them though and have made a conservation management plan and made the species legally protected to prevent the poaching of it.

Map of Where Pandas Live

Glenn, C. R. 2006. "Earth's Endangered Creatures - Giant Panda Facts" (Online). Accessed 5/16/2013 at

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